
HTTPS Posting Services


Welltok Strategic Growth platform gives customers the unique ability to post form data to a websevice that will allow Welltok to bring touchpoint data into the growth platform.


  1. Obtain a posting key from Welltok (hash_code)
  2. Create post to URL
  3. Accept response as receipt of data transmission.

Ways To Post

Ajax Style Post

Field Name Value(s)
status 2 possible values 'accepted' or 'error'.

If the result is 'accepted' then everything went through correctly and your touchpoint data was saved.

If the result is 'error' then you will receive detail in the 'errors' field of the JSON explaining why. We will still save what you have posted in an error state and will have one of our staff look at the error in posting and see if we can associate the data to a valid touchpoint.
errors This is a JSON array with children of the errors. The key of the child field will be the name of the incorrect parameter and the value will be a description of the error.

Error JSON

   "errors": {
       "address_1": "Required Field, cannot be blank"
   "status": "error"

Valid JSON

   "errors": {},
   "status": "accepted"

Post Format

Field Name Req Format Description
hash_code R ############### This is the unique code that will tie your post to a touchpoint in our system
post_date - YYYYMMDD This is the date that you would like to have associated with the post. If left blank the post date will be set as the current day.
first_name R Open Text Touch point first name.
last_name R Open Text Touch point last name.
address_1 R Open Text Touch point address line 1.
address_2 - Open Text Touch point address line 2.
city R Open Text Touch point city.
st R Open Text Touch point state. Max size varchar(2). Standard US State abbreviations only.
zip R Open Text Touch point state. Max size varchar(9). US 5 digit Zip or 9 Digit Zipcode, no dashes accepted.
email - Open Text Touch point email address.
phone - Open Text Touch point phone number.
mobile - Open Text Touch point mobile phone number.
dob - YYYYMMDD Touch point date of birth.
gender - Open Text Touch point gender, represented as "M" or "F" other values will be ignored.
sub_type_list - Open Text Additional Description that you can use for selection in the app. Please ask your Welltok Customer Success team for more information.

Example Form